Home GENERAL 5 year old practices oral sex on siblings

5 year old practices oral sex on siblings


A 42-year old seamstress, Veronica Sappor, is calling for assistance to deal with a unique situation in her home.

Veronica has narrated an incredible story of her 5-year-old son’s habit of performing oral sex on his younger siblings.

Recounting the genesis of the story to Adom News, the concerned mother said after just eight months of staying with his grandmother in Accra, her son has developed a rather uncontrollable sexual urge.

Her busy nature, she added, forces her to leave her two-year-old twin daughters in the care of their brother.

It was during one of those absences that the 5-year-old first inserted his manhood into the mouth of one of the twins only to be caught red-handed in the act.

Veronica said she, together with her husband, interrogated the lad after he repeated the act a third and many other unsuccessful times.

According to Veronica, the boy pointed fingers at a young adult who stays with his grandmother as being the one who thought him the act.

The mother-of-three was in tears as she narrated the story of how her marriage was on the verge of crashing because her husband is restraining her from seeking help, all in the name of exposing their family’s secret.

She is, however, pleading for psychological and spiritual help for herself and her family to break what she described as a curse.

Madam Veronica Sappor has also called on authorities to call her husband to order to save the 5-year-old from furthering his acts.