In recent times, a lot of people have resorted to cooking with gas. This is because it is decent since it does not produce much smoke and it is cheaper than cooking with kerosene and also makes for easy and very convenient cooking.
There are a lot of hazards associated with cooking with gas. A lot of other people vow they will never cook with gas, that however is not the solution. People die of motor accidents and still people enter vehicles every day. So if you are cooking with gas or you are aspiring to, take note of this important information.
1. Gas cylinder must not be filled to the brim
If your cylinder is 12.5kg always fill it to 10 – 12kg. When it is filled to the brim, it is capable of doing two things, blocking your cooker or causing an explosion. Ask whosoever that sells gas to you, if he is honest, he will explain it to you.
2. Never use a gas cooker with a faulty burner
Once your gas cooker develops any problem, the best thing is to throw it away. Disaster as a result of a faulty gas cooker is very expensive. Your life and property may all get burnt.
3. Use it consistently
Any moment you stop using your cooker, your burners will get spoilt.
4. Don’t put on your gas cooker before you lit the matchstick
This is because you may waste some time before you lit the matchstick. If you are slow, the gas may have circulated around the kitchen before you lit the matchstick. This is dangerous.
5. Never delegate cooking to small children or amateurs
Cooking with gas is easy and convenient, only mature people should handle the kitchen.
6. Do not let your children enter the kitchen anyhow in your absence
7. Always clean your gas cooker regularly after cooking
Dirt’s like soup and any other thing that contains salt can rust your gas cooker and cause leakage.
8. Always examine the nozzle of your cylinder to observe whether there is any leakage. If any, change it immediately.
If you observe these safety tips, you will have not problem cooking with a gas cooker.